CyberWatch 101 
By Robert Genest, former SSCA Board Member
What is CyberWatch?
- CyberWatch’s main mission is to prevent home burglaries in South Shores. It does this by bringing the old neighborhood watch system into the digital age. It is not a social media website. It is a responsive email link between us and the LAPD.
- CyberWatch was created in 2013 in response to a sharp increase in South Shores break-ins. Since then, CyberWatch has grown steadily through word of mouth, from neighbor to neighbor. Today, over 600 South Shores homes participate in this vital community effort with more residents joining CyberWatch each month.
Is CyberWatch making a difference?
- Back in 2013, there were 17 home burglaries recorded in South Shores. Thanks to CyberWatch, break-ins dropped to 3 the following year. Since then, burglaries have ranged from 3 to 5 a year. This result would not have been possible without the increased vigilance of “CyberWatchers” and our strong partnership with the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD). Captain Jay Mastick and Senior Lead Officers Paul Winter and Melody Shortle have been our highly dedicated and effective LAPD allies this past year.
How does CyberWatch work?
- In 2021, CyberWatch expanded to publishing a quarterly report on ALL crime activity reported in South Shores. These reports show the street location and type of crime with date and approximate time of the event or report. CyberWatch then seeks out important details of the crime, when available. Over time, these details have taught us a lot about how criminals operate and how to better protect our homes.
- Secondly, CyberWatchers email suspicious activity, individuals, and vehicles to These reports are immediately forwarded to key LAPD contacts for investigation and entry into the Burglary Division’s database. Then, license plate numbers are researched for the car’s registered owners, addresses, and possible criminal records for LAPD follow up. Such reports have paid off several times.
Of course, if a CyberWatcher observes a burglary in progress or about to take place, they should dial 911.
How can I join CyberWatch?
It’s simple. And, it’s free. Become a CyberWatch member and join this growing community effort. Just fill out the following form below to join. Your personal information will be kept confidential and used for emergency purposes only. It will not be shared with anyone without your permission. More CyberWatch members in our community means a safer South Shores for all of us to enjoy. Again, many thanks to all those CyberWatchers who have helped South Shores into safer harbor!