1542-1902 – The Port of Los Angeles: A History, Part I – From Mudflats to Modern Port (video)

1602 – Sebastian Vizcaino named the community San Pedro in honor of St. Peter. San Pedro is the second oldest named town in California – just ten days after San Diego was named. Except from: Harbor Heritage, written by Oliver Vickery, Morgan Press. Copyright 1979

1769 – European settlements begin. Previously the peninsula was the homeland of the Tongva-Gabrieleño Native American people.

1909 – San Pedro consolidated with Los Angeles.

1921-1941 – The Port of Los Angeles: A History, Part II – Birth of an International Port (video)

1925 – The completion of Western Avenue to San Pedro.

1941-1960 – The Port of Los Angeles: A History, Part III – War, Peace, and Prosperity (video)

1942Construction of the “big guns” at Fort MacArthur.

1955 Below is a 1955 archival promotional flyer from Marlow & Co. announcing the upcoming construction of the South Shores development we now proudly call home.  The original was provided to us by Mike Young, one of our first South Shores residents. 

How did South Shores get "Fishy Street Names" ?

1955 south shores brochure - page 1


1955 south shores brochure - page 2

1960 – The Port of Los Angeles: A History, Part IV – The Past is Prologue (video)

1979 – South Shores Elementary School was established as a Visual and Performing Arts Magnet.

2017 – San Pedro was declared 2017 Neighborhood of the Year by Curbed Los Angeles.