
Hi All,

Together we were credited for saving neighborhoods in LA’s Housing Element.  But we saved them not because we didn’t want to open up our neighborhoods for more density but because there was no reason to destroy existing neighborhoods citywide when we have so much available space to build new housing.

However what we accomplished last year with the Housing Element, can instantly be taken away by any State bill that becomes state law.  State law trumps any city ordinance.  Scott Wiener has introduced two bills that will change our neighborhoods if we don’t work together to fight them.

How do we fight state bills? We must be as disciplined and coordinated as we were when dealing with the city last year. Getting to our state representatives is key. Hundreds of bills are introduced each year and our Senators and Assemblymembers are not aware of all of them.  That is why we need to work again as a group to make sure the LA delegation is very aware of our collective concerns.  Your representative can work behind the scenes to get these bills amended, killed or approved.  But we will need the City of LA to also stand up against these bills.  So we will need to work both locally and statewide.

We are currently having meetings with the City to see whether they will stand up to oppose or support these bills.  Depending on what we are told, we will then start our campaign to amend or defeat these bills.

Here are the bills we are watching.  There are a few more but these are the worst. We will give everyone explanations on these bills and a step by step process for fighting them.

Top two to watch:

    1. SB 79 introduced by Scott Wiener attempts to open up neighborhoods for more density if near transit stops. Currently this bill does not define what “near” means. It could literally upend our Housing Element by going into single family neighborhoods. This bill is still in the Rules Committee because it has not yet released a detailed explanation of its intent.  The moment this bill adds clarity to its intent it will be assigned to a committee and then we will start our campaign against it.  Stay tuned.
    2. SB 677 introduced by Scott Wiener completely blows up the few protections the original SB 9 had to prevent this from being a massive tool for developers. Remember Toni Atkins wanted this bill to be something for homeowners to use to help house their family. We never thought that made any sense and now we are seeing a full reversal on the purpose for this bill.

We attach the bills for you to read.  Stay with us as we navigate through this process.

Thank you all!!

Maria, Cindy, Jeff, Marc