President’s Corner 1.21.2025

Greetings Neighbors:

Welcome to 2025, the “year of the snake.”  Just saying that gives me chills.  With the grace of God, hopefully we all made it through the Holidays unscathed and with hope for a better year in 2025.  One free of strife, war and conflict.  One filled with hope, accomplishments, togetherness and cooperation.  May we be more understanding of each other’s differences and focus more on neighbors helping neighbors.  

Let us all be thankful for the fireman, law enforcement officials and so many volunteers that are coping with and fighting the fires that have affected our neighbors and friends.  Financial donations are still being sought by many agencies.  Let us be mindful of the safety in and around our homes and neighborhood.  Pay attention to our surroundings, watching for strange behavior or vehicles.   “If you see something, say something” to the appropriate agencies.     

Our 2025 Association membership is growing slowly and 500 households remains our goal.   One important benefit of our Association is our associated CyberWatch program. 

Since a picture is worth 1000 words, here’s a snapshot of the crimes reported to the Police in the 4th quarter of 2024 – each icon marks a crime.  (Purple icons, the most prevalent, represent auto thefts.).  The area on the bottom left, circled by hand, is South Shores.  Notice we had a total of only 2 petty thefts and zero auto thefts.  Thank you CyberWatch!!


In other areas in our neighborhood:

  •  SSCA’s Sociables group continues to meet regularly, with strong attendance with its 24 members.  
  • Our Holiday Lights awards have been distributed 
  • The mini-park project at Western & Paseo Del Mar a.k.a. South Shores Ocean View Plaza, is moving along with help from both community members and City officials
  • The Bank of America interior demolition is underway 
  • Tree trimming will begin on Western in conjunction with the B of A / Starbucks facility construction.  
  • We will embark on an aggressive attempt to bring the forces of the LAPD, LASD and Park Ranges together in an alliance to keep nuisance behavior at Bogdanovich Park to a controllable level.  It is believed that the alliance that succeeded at Royal Palms can be achieved at Bogdanovich Park as well.

Our Business Meeting’s (Tuesday, March18th at The Elks Lodge) new format has been completed and distributed to our political leaders for feedback.  With new format, comes a new start time; 6pm.  You are encouraged to come as early as 5:30 to fill out and complete the “My Question” form and join or pay your SSCA dues if necessary.  I promise a brisk, informative and more engaging meeting.  The SSCA Annual Members Reception, also at the Elks Lodge, is tentatively set for Sunday September 14th. Stay tuned.

If you like what you see, if you have ideas or opinions how to improve and change the SSCA, PLEASE consider joining the 2025 Board.  Nominations and voting will take place at our annual Business Meeting March 18th.       

The SSCA website is an important source for information, news and activities.  We make every effort to keep the site regularly updated with local events, announcements and issues of concern and affect our neighborhood and community. I urge you to visit the SSCA website at or  

Please take the time to print this form, fill it out and mail it back to the SSCA.  Be sure to include your current email address & phone number.  Email is the primary source of communication with our members. 


Richard F. Scandaliato
President, SSCA