Dear South Shore Neighbors:
Several of our neighbors have indicated that there are homes and property in South Shores that do not reflect appealing, or attractive “curbside view”. Consequently, property values in our area, may be negatively affected and cast an aura of general neglect.
We hope this SSCA appeal reaches those for whom this may apply, and instills in them hope, pride, neighborliness and most of all – respectfully springs these owners into remedial action.
If by some chance, help is needed, your SSCA is ready thru our “Sidewalk Brigade” to lend a hand!
Interested owners please simply request assistance directly from the Sidewalk Brigade, or through the South Shores Community Association website. Our clean-up assistance provides confidential, friendly labor and limited resources for a one-time assist. By accepting assistance, you simply agree that you waive all your claims for any liability.
Please contact us directly or through our website.
In addition, all residents are encouraged to reach out to:
- City services: 311
- Department of Sanitation bulk pick up 1-800-773 2489
- Paint & other chemicals drop off at 1400 N. Gaffey St., San Pedro 1-800-988-6942; Sat. & Sun. 9am – 3pm
Richard F. Scandaliato
President, SSCA