President’s Corner 12.17.2024

Greetings Neighbors:

The Holiday Season is quickly drawing to a close, with the New Year just around the corner.  Perhaps it’s just me, but these hours, days, months and years role around too fast.  Kind of reminds me of watching the price spinning as gas is being pumped.

As we celebrate the holiday season, I want to extend my warmest wishes to everyone in South Shores.  The warm spirit of the Holidays seems to permeate throughout the country, this year more so than in the past.  No matter which Holiday you’re celebrating, what truly matters are the threads that keep us all together – family, giving to others, neighbors and friends.

The SSCA Holiday sponsored “kick-off” Cocoa on the Cul-de-Sac was once again a smash hit; technical difficulties aside.  I understand the same can be said for “Carols on the Corner,”  although I was unfortunately unable to attend.  Thank you, neighbors!!!   

Another notable achievement was the full City Council passing the CHIP ordinance (Citywide Housing Incentive Program) without options, unanimously.  Thank you to all for believing we could take the city on and win.  A BIG thank you goes out to United Neighbors for bringing this to the attention of the SSCA and leading us in victory.  This process took over two years to accomplish.    

Invoices for 2025 dues have been sent out via email to SSCA members through the previously announced “JOINIT” portal.  Thus far, response has been outstanding!!!  I believe that our membership goal of 500 is not only achievable, but can be surpassed.  Next step is reaching out to those who are not members.

Both the Marine “Toys for Tots” sponsored by D’Amico Reality and the Food & Toy’s Drive for the Boys & Girls Club, sponsored by H & H Reality were once again a success.  Thank you all for your participation and donations!!!

No progress to report on the proposed park at Western & Paseo del Mar.

No news to report on the drive thru Coffee establishment at 5th & Western.


  • First Place: 2217 W. 37th Street
  • Second Place: 2600 Gunnell Ave.
  • Third Place: 2143 Vallecito Drive
  • Fourth Place: 3438 Gurnard Ave.


Upcoming news:

  1. On behalf of the SSCA and our neighbors, we will embark on an aggressive attempt to bring the forces of the LAPD, LASD and Park Ranges in an alliance to keep nuisance behavior at Bogdanovich Park to a controllable level.  It is believed that the alliance that succeeded at Royal Palms can be achieved at Bogdanovich Park as well.   
  2. The next Sociables encounter is scheduled for Sunday, January 12th.   
  3. Please be advised that nominations and voting for SSCA Board Candidates will be a part of the agenda at the Annual Business Meeting, scheduled for March 18th at the Elks lodge.
  4. Anyone interested in sharing ideas for improving either or both the  SSCA Business Meeting and the SSCA Annual Reception in order to make them more enjoyable while still accomplishing their goals are encouraged to do so via email or text; or 310-562-8444.
  5. Please see our website, or  for information regarding the LAFD CERT program.  CERT is the program for disaster preparedness for civilians.

The 2025 Membership Drive is officially underway.  Dues are $25 per calendar year so the earlier you sign up the better the value.      

The SSCA website is an important source for information, news and activities.  We make every effort to keep the site regularly updated with local events, announcements and issues of concern that affect our neighborhood and community. I urge you to visit the SSCA website at either or

Please take the time to print the included membership form, fill it out and mail it back to the SSCA.  Be sure to include your current email address & phone number.  Email is the primary source of communication with our members.


Richard F. Scandaliato
President, SSCA