Hi Everyone,
We hope your Thanksgiving was a lot of fun. 
We are pretty certain that Draft #3 of the CHIP/Housing Element will be heard next week by the City Council. 
We hope that all of you have already reached out to your councilmembers to express your support for the Draft Ordinance without Exhibit D. Exhibit D will rezone single family neighborhoods to allow apartments. 
As you all know, the Draft without exhibit D passed the PLUM (Planning and Land Use) committee unanimously and is now heading for its final hurdle: a full vote of the City Council.  We feel we may have the votes but you can never tell for sure what can change a councilmember’s mind at the last minute. So reach out to them if you haven’t. Hopefully your Neighborhood Council has sent in a Community Impact Statement and your HOAs and all individuals have sent comments as well to the Council File:  If not, please do so asap.

We hope some of you will join us again downtown when the hearing is scheduled.  It is a lot of fun seeing each other in person. We feel it is also important to show up so they know we care.  

We will let you know as soon as we get the exact hearing time.


Maria, Cindy, Jeff and Marc