Hi All,
Yesterday was quite the day.
Planning and Land Use Committee (PLUM) of the City Council voted unanimously to support Draft #3 without Exhibit D!!
There was no discussion about adding single family neighborhoods among the committee members. And we realized that getting our letters out early to all the members was critical. Their minds weren’t being made up at the last minute.
At the beginning of the meeting, Vince Bertoni (Planning Director) came up to Jeff, Cindy and me and thanked us for our outreach and our focus on better solutions. We had a very friendly encounter. He has a genuine respect for our group’s efforts.
We want to thank those of you that came down and spoke yesterday. It was so fun meeting you finally in person. For the first time we were not overwhelmed by the opposition. We had great speakers and enough of us to show that neighborhoods matter. To those that were intending to come but couldn’t at the last minute, we thank you as well. And especially to all HOAs, NCs, and individuals that took the time to send statements to the council file and to the council members, thank you.
One important moment yesterday was the huge announcement by Bertoni that the CHIP draft #3 as presented had been sent to the State for input and he had just received confirmation that the State would certify this draft as written. That was a huge moment because it silenced those saying that we needed single family neighborhoods in order to meet the state mandate.
This now goes to the full City Council. We have one last task and that is to send letters to our own councilmembers letting them know we support this draft.
I will send out links to their emails later today. But we should do this before Thanksgiving because we know this draft will be heard quickly before the early Holiday recess. And again getting to them early will matter. We think we have the votes but your outreach to your council member is critical.
Again thank you all. Thank you for your community leadership and your willingness to band together so our voices were heard.
We have new challenges ahead for our communities but for now we are pleased and grateful
Best regards,
Maria, Cindy, Jeff, Marc