September 20, 2024

We need stacks & stacks of letters…

Hi Everyone,

The Planning Commission needs to hear from us regarding Draft #3 of the CHIP/Housing Element rezoning plan. 

It was pretty amazing that at the Zoning Hearing in late July, 80% of the callers wanted to end single family zones and by the end of August we had managed to get 75% of the 3000 public comments sent to Planning in support of protecting single family neighborhoods. 

We need to be heard from again. This is the only way to build clout.

We know Draft #3 isn’t perfect.  Will we see more density on our corridors? yes.  But in our Community Plan meetings we can still advocate for each of our communities so this density makes sense in our community. What we managed to protect in this draft are: single-family, HPOZs/Historic districts, RSO, coastal and high fire areas. That took a lot of effort on all our part.

It is important to get this draft passed.  Only 5 “no” votes from the Commissioners will sink this draft and then who knows what we end up with.  The pro development people are not happy with draft #3.  Don’t pull your support because we didn’t get everything.  Protecting what we asked for is huge. We have councilmembers that will probably not support this draft, so we need to stay united in our efforts to get this draft passed by the Commission and City Council.

Here’s the plan: we are on a tight schedule. So all of you work your magic. Get to as many people as you can.

By Tuesday of next week, September 24 we must send in written comments in support of Draft #3 to the Commission. We should all do this as individuals and/or as organizations.

Make your comments simple and send to, In the subject line put CPC_2023_7068: Housing Element Rezoning .  We basically want to say: 

 “We support Draft #3 that places density on our commercial corridors.”  ( if you want to say more)  There is plenty of capacity in LA to meet our housing needs while still protecting existing RSO multi-family neighborhoods, single-family, our HPOZs that are the historic heart of our city, and our vulnerable communities in high fire and coastal zones. We support the density on our commercial corridors where new vibrant neighborhoods can be created in each and every high resource community.  All of us will be part of the solution to create affordable housing in LA”. 

You can also write whatever makes this personal for your community but support the draft please.

Thursday, Sept 26, 8:30 a.m. is the Planning Commission Hearing.  We need to call in or go down to City Hall to make an in person comment.  Either way we need to make comments of support.   Information for online or in person participation  here.

Thank you all! Let’s do this…

Maria, Cindy, Jeff, Marc
United Neighbors