President’s Corner 07.16.2024

Summer is here, vacation’s scheduled, local and long-distance trips planned.  With all this, comes a heightened awareness of personal, neighborhood and world security and safety.  Always remain diligent while traveling, stay attuned to personal and neighborhood safety, security and comings and goings in your neighborhoods.  As the saying goes, “see something say something”. 

To bring everyone up to date, our “Celebration of America” on July 4th block party was a tremendous success.  Attendance reached close to 200 adults and children.  Although hosted by Vallecito residents, it was well attended by residents from upper and lower South Shores, SSCA members and nonmembers.  The menu consisted of hot dogs, cookies, various fruits, water, lemon aid and cotton candy.  Meanwhile children were entertained trying to navigate an obstacle course, water ballon toss, bubble making (some as large as a car), ballon figures (prepared by one of our newest neighbors Bob Chiuruzzi), Jumper, corn hole tournament for both adults and children, and face painting.  Not to be forgotten is the neighbor-to-neighbor conversations, discussions, reacquainting with old neighbors and meeting new neighbors.  Some of the most notable attendees were Councilman Tim McOsker, his wife Connie, and Los Angeles Supervisor Janice Hahn. There was even a ceremonious “Fly over” by the Italian Air Force while the famous ITALIAN TALL SHIP AMERIGO VESPUCCI was visiting the LA Harbor area.

This project was mostly self-funded by Vallecito residents and neighbors with food and financial contributions.  Not to be forgotten is that this idea was perpetrated and organized by our new neighbor Bob Chiuruzzi.  An idea that energized a community, reinvented a 30-yr. old tradition and has suggested a possible Octoberfest.     

In the months and days to come; the revolution of a bigger, wider, far more reaching and inclusive SSCA will continue to prepare neighborhood engagements for the entire family.  Never to lose focus on safety and security within and outside the home, but continually strive to bring the family entity into broader focus.  

Having said that, next on our agenda is the National Night Out (NNO), fostering Police-Community Partnership throughout the entire Country.  Locally this event will take place Tuesday, August 6, 2024 from 5:30 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. at 2233 Warmouth Cul-de-Sac in lower Sout Shores.  The GOAL is engagement and interface with both LAPD and LAFD, crafts table for children, great conversations, music and just a plain old fashion good time.  I bring “special” attention to the information that will be available for the “National Center for Missing and Exploited Children” (NCMEC).  

Next on the horizon is the long-awaited hearing; Tuesday August 20th, by the Zoning Administrator to discuss the merits of the appeal for a drive through Starbucks.  Meeting will be held at 4:30 p.m. Harbor Area Planning Commission, 425 S. Palos Verdes St. San Pedro, 90731.

Orchestrated by several neighbors a proposal to the city, whereby South Shores volunteer/residents will assume the care and maintenance of the often-plighted area at the end of Western Ave. and Pasao Del Mar, with the caveat that the City of San Pedro provide adequate water irrigation.    

Preparations are in full swing for this year’s Members Only Annual Reception scheduled for Sunday, September 15th at the Elks Lodge 2 p.m. – 5 p.m.

As President of the SSCA I request that you not deny yourselves, or your family participation in our South Shores Community Association.  We as individuals and a community are far richer with greater memberships, new ideas; that are both traditional and off the wall, it is you who make South Shores the community what it is.

Saving the best for last.  The SSCA board, has voted in favor of increasing the annual membership to $25.00 effective January 2025.  None of us are oblivious to the increase cost from, food, utilities, gasoline, insurance and paper products.  As an organization whose goal is to increase the number of meaningful, family-oriented events, this cost has impacted us as well.  

The SSCA website is a constant source for information, news and activities.  I urge you to visit the SSCA website at or  

Below, you will find the application and invoice.  Members are welcome to join or renew throughout the year.  Membership for 2024 remains at $20.00 but will increase to $25.00 effective January 1st 2025.                         

Please take the time to print this form, fill out and mail back to the SSCA.  Be sure to include your email address & phone number.  Email is the primary source of communications with our members. 


Richard F. Scandaliato
President SSCA