Short Summary of ED-1

Executive Directive 1 (ED 1) expedites the processing of shelters and 100% affordable housing projects in Los Angeles. Eligible projects receive expedited processing, clearances, and approvals through the ED1 Ministerial Approval Process.

The ED 1 Implementation Guidelines have been updated as of March 21, 2024. The updates include:

A new ED 1 Property Owner Declaration to be provided to LAHD as a requirement of project review;
Technical clarification on eligibility and City Planning application filing standards to qualify for the ED1 Ministerial Approval Process; Technical updates to LAHD Replacement Unit Determination procedures, reflecting new State law in effect as of January 1, 2024.

Please read the implementation guidelines for additional information.

Eligibility Criteria

ED 1 applies to all shelter projects and 100% affordable housing projects with an active or valid City Planning application or referral form filed with City Planning, and any ED 1 eligible projects under review by LADBS or LAHD. See below for additional restrictions.

For the purposes of implementing ED 1, a 100% affordable housing project is defined as:

A housing project with five or more units, and with all units affordable either at 80% of Area Median Income or lower (HUD rent levels), or at mixed income with up to 20% of units at 120% AMI (HCD rent levels) and the balance at 80% AMI or lower (HUD rent levels), as technically described here: A Housing Development Project, as defined in California Government Code Section(§) 65589.5, that includes 100% covenant-restricted affordable units (excluding any manager’s units) for which rental or mortgage amounts are limited so as to be affordable to and occupied by Lower Income households, as defined in California Health and Safety Code §50079.5, or that meets the definition of a 100% affordable housing development in CA Government Code §65915(b)(1)G)2, as determined by the Los Angeles Housing Department (LAHD).

This definition is limited to projects that are for rent, as opposed to affordable for-sale projects. Rent Schedules with the applicable rents by unit size and income category are maintained by LAHD and are updated annually. Rent schedules are posted at


As stated in ED 1, projects requiring a legislative action (e.g., General Plan Amendment, Zone Change, or Height District Change) and projects seeking a deviation from development standards (e.g., an adjustment, variance, specific plan exception, or waiver of dedication/improvement) are ineligible for the ED 1 ministerial approval process. Projects that require consideration of a coastal development permit or are subject to the Subdivision Map Act are also ineligible. In no instance shall the project be located in a single family or more restrictive zone. If at any point during the City Planning review or post-approval process a project changes such that it would no longer qualify for ED 1, the applicant must complete a new City Planning application, including new referral forms, all required filing documents, and fees for a new project.

Note: For projects submitted to LADBS, applicants should contact the plan check engineer and supervisor to go over the changes and obtain instructions on how to proceed as a regular project outside of the ED 1 processes.

Executive Directive 1

Mayor Bass’ Executive Directive 1 commits the City to working collaboratively to accelerate the approval of qualifying affordable housing projects.


Implementation Guidelines

To guide applicants through the entitlement process, City Planning has created Implementation Guidelines outlining the steps, procedures, and requirements for ED 1 projects.


Affordable Housing Streamlining Ordinance

Los Angeles City Planning drafted a proposed ordinance to integrate the streamlining provisions of ED 1 into the Los Angeles Municipal Code.