The Membership Drive 2023 continues. Several alternatives are being evaluated as to how to entice and recruit past members and CyberWatch participants. Although membership is ahead of previous years, we are far short of our GOAL of 500.
Bob Genest has volunteered to reach out to ALL CyberWatch members to join and participate in the 2023 SSCA membership campaign. Thank you, Bob!
Speaking of CyberWatch, Bob Genest presented the first quarter Safety Report, and data reflects South Shores as being the safest area in San Pedro and South Bay.
Thanks to many of you who reached out to LAPD SLO Melody Shortle, regarding the “Gypsy Food Vendors” on the Smart & Final sidewalk. It was determined that the latest vendor did not have a permit and therefore, left the premises.
Royal Palms continues to get the attention that it is deserved; in maintaining a safe, enjoyable place to visit. Hopefully, with the warmer weather on the horizon, this atmosphere will thrive with family participation.
A word of caution to all, please be aware that with all the recent rain, many areas in our neighborhood will soon be overgrown with weeds and dead grass perpetuating fire hazards.
There will be a “Celebration of Life” for Lisa Monsaas Jimenez on Saturday, April 29 at the Red Men Lodge at 543 Shepherd St. San Pedro, from 2p-6p. Lisa was a longtime South Shores resident and SSCA member. Lisa’s husband, Julian, served on the SSCA Board and was Vice President at the time of his passing five years ago.
Both the Sociables and Sidewalk Brigade continue their respective activities with growing participation, attendance, and enthusiasm.
Your SSCA Board has agreed to resume in person meetings, beginning May 16, after almost three years of ZOOM participation.
This years Members Only Reception is scheduled for Sunday, October 1 at the Elks Club. More news and detail to come.
As previously mentioned, the SSCA annual membership drive continues unimpeded toward our GOAL of 500. Invoices have been mailed, signs posted, and several calls of appeal conducted. Membership donation remains at $20.00 for the year. The SSCA year begins January 01 and goes on to December 31 of that ensuing year.
Please visit us on our website frequently for additional news of your neighborhood.
Respectfully, Richard F. Scandaliato, President SSCA