Membership Drive 2023 continues to excel. Past members and new members continue to be added to our roster of members. Responses are ahead of previous years; however, we still have a way to go to reach our goal of 500.

This year’s Annual Meeting was successful beyond all expectations. Even the weather cooperated with the rain taking a short hiatus, allowing members to enter and leave without getting wet. The Elks Club once again did a great job in hosting our first “in person” meeting since the pandemic. Excitement abounds with anticipation of this years “Members Only Reception” on Sunday October 1st at the Elks Club.
The slate of Officers and Board Members were presented to membership and approved.
Councilman Tim McOsker was eloquent, dynamic, emotional, and very matter of fact in declaring his position pursuing a safe, secure, manicured, and respectful 15th District. By so doing, Councilman McOsker reiterates that we are one (1) district with five (5) communities, no one more important than the whole five together. The Councilman indicated several corrective measures, as well as, action plans to prevent a reoccurrence of the Royal Palms incident, tree trimming, sidewalk and street repairs; inclusive are the alley ways in lower South Shores. A stronger more responsive LAPD, LASD, Department of Harbor and Beaches, given both the tools and authority for enforcement of existing rules. Erika Velasquez; formerly of LA Supervisor Janice Hahn’s office, was there to lend both support and clarification to the many questions from the member audience.
Glenn Acosta provided an informative, educational, and jaw dropping account and update of the Clearwater Project now underway, due for completion in 2027. Glenn answered many questions pertaining to environmental, seismic, and logistical issues that may or may not arise during this massive construction project.
Jenifer La Marque, did an admiral job in representing LA Supervisor Janice Hahn’s office. Jeniffer, a long time San Pedro resident, provided insight and continued support of both LAPD and LASD in bringing safety and rules enforcement. Jeniffer also alluded to several new tools; license plate readers (LPR), additional cameras, gate control, lighting; as well as, adherence to opening and closing times, increased security to 11pm now and 1am in the summer.
Melody Shortle, LAPD SLO, everyone’s favorite police officer, provided some details in the Royal Palms incident and eventual arrest of the culprit. Officer Shortle, as did several who preceded, reiterated the theme “…if you see something do or say something…” that it is better to be cautious, curious, conscious, and aware of what looks or sounds like trouble – to report these to the proper authorities. Like the “squeaky wheel theory”, appropriate attention and focus is brought to potential problems. Officer Shortle stressed the strong working relationship with Bob Genest, CyberWatch, and the South Shores Community.
The electronic version of the ViewPoint 2023 edition received many favorable accolades from our membership.
Two plaques by the SSCA and award of recognition by the Councilman’s office were issued to:
Joyce Hall, who is retiring form the Board after over 20 years of service
Gordon Thomas, received the “Swiss Army Knife Award” for all his versatile contributions and volunteerism
On a sad note, just prior to the start of the meeting, I was informed of the passing of Lisa Jimenez. Lisa was a long time South Shores resident and SSCA member; Lisa’s husband, Julian served on the Board and was Vice President at the time of his passing five years ago.
Wishing all a Happy, Safe Easter, Passover, and Ramadhan.
A BIG thank you goes out to Markus Carlton, Guitarist/Singer, who supplied the audio equipment for this event.
As previously mentioned, the SSCA annual membership drive continues unimpeded toward our GOAL of 500. Invoices have been mailed, signs posted, several calls of appeal conducted. Membership donation remains at $20.00 for the year. The SSCA year runs January 01 through December 31 of that ensuing year. The meeting generated the sign up of an additional 14 new members and invoices to be sent to additional six.
Please visit our website often for additional news of your neighborhood.
Richard F. Scandaliato, President SSCA