On Thursday October 17, the sixth meeting was held regarding Royal Palms safety.
Finally, it appears that progress is in the right direction and taking hold.
This meeting was well attended by all those directly responsible for making improvements and oversite.
All participants reported on their respective assignments as designated and agreed, September 29th.
- South Shores Community Association President Richard Scandaliato and Terry Katnic, South Shores resident & former owner of ACE Hardware, prepared a letter and are in the process of distribution.
- Erika Velazquez, Harbor Area Director for LA County Supervisor Janice Hahn, verified that Sheriff’s department has appropriate access keys.
- Jayme Wilson, Economic Development Director for Supervisor Janice Hahn, together with Beach officials investigated the installation of additional cameras; the result being, all additional view locations are limited and or blocked by trees or other natural impediments.
- Supervisor Ken Foreman and and Frank Vargas, both with the L.A. County Beaches & Harbors, have visited Royal Palms in “off” hours.
- Melody Shortle, Senior Lead Officer for the L.A. Police Department Harbor Division, checked “call logs” from 6/01 – 9/25 and found only three calls made. Neighbors are NOT reporting incidents or disturbances. Consequently, Royal Palms, is NOT considered a high priority for law enforcement.
- Melody Shortle, LAPD SLO, also verified that patrol officers are aware of their responsibility and authorization to regularly patrol Royal Palms.
- Captain James Powers of the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department Lomita Station, announced his pending retirement at years end. This is very disappointing, especially in light of Captain Powers positive impact on Royal Palms; as well as the Lomita Station of the L.A. Sheriff’s Department.
IMPROVEMENTS since our first meeting April 4th:
- Law enforcement; by both LAPD and LASD, has been attentive to designated closures hours.
- As of 11.01 closure to occur at 6:30 pm.
- New Security Team is actively enforcing closure times and access.
- No drug enforcement (open).
- OVESITE is taking place and is improved.