Following the normal business board meeting agenda, focus was on an objective analysis of the Annual Reception. Several ideas for improvements were discussed; as well as suggestions to improve “outreach and attendance”. One issue up for discussion and further review, is the venue. In order to pursue the Elks Club as a venue “of choice”, we discussed the possibility of additional contributions from those who choose to attend, rather than increase yearly dues. More to come on this subject.

Both the Sociables (next meeting 11/04) and Sidewalk Brigade continue their respective roles, participation, activities, meetings, and neighborhood impact.

Bob Genest presented the most recent “crime data” for quarter three. The net result being a continued downward trend in reported crimes in South Shores. This effort is the result of a partnership with LAPD, CyberWatch members, and South Shore residents through diligence and cooperation. As usual, there was some lively conversation regarding several issues that impact South Shores, namely the continued discourse about Royal Palms. As president, I represented South Shores at our last meeting held on September 29 and will continue to do so at the upcoming meeting October 27.

Gordon Thomas discussed the possibility of improving the SSCA database to be more informative, project, and interest focused. Obviously the most important aspect of upgrading a database is to secure and maintain members confidentiality.

We are looking for volunteers to assist in the judging of the Annual Holiday home decorations contest. Interested parties are requested to send an email to us. Plans are underway for the SSCA Annual Members meeting in March 2023.

Remember, the SSCA year begins January 01 and runs through December 31 of that ensuing calendar year. The SSCA membership drive will kick off in early January 2023. Invoices will be sent to all existing members, as well as outreach to new members.

Please visit us on our website: for additional news of your neighborhood.


Richard F. Scandaliato
President SSCA