The August meeting was a hybrid of ZOOM and in person:

Membership continues to increase, with influx of both new members and new neighbors. We are now at 76% of our GOAL. The addition of signage “RENEW/JOIN” has been a major contribution to a successful campaign. Thank you August Caimi, for your suggestion.

Most of our August meeting was consumed with excitement and anticipation for our upcoming “Members Only Reception”.  Memberships will be accepted at the door contingent on signing up for 2022 and 2023.  


Remember: Sunday, September 18, 2022, 2pm -5pm


The Sociables group continues to grow and stir interest amongst neighbors. A Mahjong and Book Club will be starting in September.

The Sidewalk Brigade continues to make a positive impact in our South Shores neighborhood. Volunteers doing what the city and state should be doing as part of our taxes. There may be a light at the end of the tunnel. Earlier in the day 8/19, it was disclosed that a “new 3 yr. contract” has been signed with the State to resume responsibility for maintenance and clean-up of Western Ave.

Councilman’s Buscaino’s office indicated that with the new maintenance contracts recently signed, many of the open issues will be addressed. Let’s hope, watch and see. In the meantime, let’s continue to monitor, remain diligent in our expectations, and accountability of our elected officials.

The oversized “For Rent” sign at 25th and Anchovy was removed.  Thank you LADBS!

At Royal Palms, several improvements are noted. Some peace in the valley, although not perfect, is the new security company as a major change. The next scheduled meeting is set for early September to discuss accomplishments, progress, or regression. LASD continues to assist LAPD with monitoring activity. There is still work to be done but some progress is better than none.

I’ve been asked to remind our South Shores residents and their visiting friends and families that STOP signs are not simply a suggestion, but the law.

Please visit us on our website: for additional news of your neighborhood.

Hope to see you all on September 18th at the Elks Club.  Invitations are set to go out via Evite and mail by 08.25.  Please respond by RSVP!

Please keep Joyce Hall, long time Board member and South Shores resident, in your prayers as she is going through some health issues.


Richard F. Scandaliato, President SSCA