We hope to be seeing you at our Annual SSCA Members Only Reception!
Sunday, September 18, 2022
2:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Elks Lodge, 1748 Cumbre Dr, San Pedro, CA 90732
Come meet new neighbors, catch up with old neighbors, and have a good time! Adults only. Each person in attendance will receive two beer and wine tickets. We have received 164 RSVPs. The RSVP window is now closed.
Not currently an SSCA member? Join today! If you have RSVP’d by the September 12 deadline and arrive at the Elks Lodge and are not a member, you can join for 2022 and 2023 at the door.
Welcome team volunteers are needed to help out at the event to welcome guests, provide name tags, verify memberships, and collect dues for 2022 and 2023. Three teams of two volunteers each are needed for each shift (2-2:45 pm or 2:45-3:30p). Please contact us if you would like to help greet guests. Thank you!