Bob Genest has created the following CyberWatch crime report for South Shore Residents. If you would like to join CyberWatch, please fill out our contact form on our CyberWatch page.
As always, this quarterly CyberWatch report is a summary of all police reports filed with the Harbor LAPD. Please bear in mind that not all crimes are reported, particularly in the case of vehicle break-ins where theft is often small.
Here’s the CyberWatch Crime Update for South Shores – 3rd Quarter 2021 (July 1 through September 30):
July 17: 1700 block of Mermaid Drive – 5:30 p.m. – Grand theft ($950.01 and up).
July 28: 2100 block of Vallecito Drive – 1:35 p.m. – (Petty theft ($950.00 and lower).
July 28: 2300 block of Anabas Avenue – 4:30 a.m.
July 26: 2200 block of W. 37th St. – 9:00 p.m. – Petty theft.
July 31: 2100 block of W. 37th St. – 11:35 p.m. – Grand theft.
August 4: 2200 block of W. 25th St. – 2:00 p.m.
September 2: 2200 block of Baleria Drive – 5:16 a.m.
The Good News: No home burglaries again last quarter. South Shores has experienced only 2 home burglaries all year and both were at the same vacant home on Cumbre Drive last March. (FYI: The rest of San Pedro experienced 29 home burglaries in the same last quarter.)
Reason for the Record Dip in Home Burglaries: Probably the result of COVID-19 (more people at home) combined with the hyper vigilance of our 606 CyberWatch neighbors, aided by lower priced, technologically improved surveillance systems.
The Not So Good News: Thefts have shifted from homes to vehicles. Less risky for the bad guys who also have to eat.
My counterpart in RPV, Herb Stark, has alerted us of a disturbing run of catalytic converter thefts in our neighboring city. Five such thefts just occurred between September 14 and September 22. These catalytic converters contain precious metals like rhodium and platinum and cost hundreds to thousands of dollars to replace, if stolen.
Officer Melody Shortle, our Senior Lead Officer and LAPD partner has invited us to an upcoming event on Saturday, October 16 that may help reduce your odds of becoming a victim. See her flyer below. UPDATE: EVENT CANCELED.