Bob Genest has created the following CyberWatch crime report for South Shore Residents. If you would like to join CyberWatch, please fill out our contact form on our CyberWatch page.
Hi folks,
Usually, CyberWatch reports only home burglaries and thefts from vehicles. As to home burglaries, looks like coronavirus brought us a mixed blessing this quarter. More people at home means fewer burglaries. Burglars hate breaking into homes and finding people there. Reason: if caught, instead of a slap on the wrist for burglary, a burglar would be charged with home invasion and that means serious time. When casing neighborhoods, if burglars believe people are home, they usually stay away.
South Shores CyberWatch Update
3rd Quarter (July 1 through September 30, 2020)
Because there were no burglaries in the 3rd quarter, we’re providing police reports for all criminal activity in South Shores during this time frame.
Home Burglaries – 0
Theft from vehicles – 4
7/15: 1600 blk of 25th St. – Petty theft (means under $950).
8/5: Anchovy and 25th St. – Grand theft (means $950 and over)
9/7: 25th St. and Mermaid Drive – Petty theft
9/25: 2500 blk of W. 35th St. – Grand theft
Theft – larceny from a person, items stolen from property, etc. – 3
8/10 – 2200 blk of W. 25th St. – Grand theft
8/22 – 1700 blk of W. 25th St. – Petty theft
8/25 – 1700 blk of W. 26th St. – Petty theft
Spousal Abuse – 2
7/21 – 1900 blk of W. 25th St. – Aggravated Assault (Intent to seriously harm another person or use of weapon during a threat of harm).
7/25 – 1700 blk of Grenadier Drive – Assault (less serious than Agg. Assault. Involves minor injuries or just a threat of violence).
Other matters: Drag Racing and Loud Muffler noise on Cumbre Drive.
Intermittently during July, August and early September – Cumbre Drive in the vicinity of Bogdanovich Park. This illegal activity resulted in several 911 calls from residents of this area and Morse drive. While Harbor LAPD responded promptly, officers were unable to observe this criminal activity in progress. However, the patrol officers did take the opportunity to speak to suspects sitting in their parked vehicles on Cumbre. That was on August 29.
Also, neighbors were able to provide clear video and license plate information, through CyberWatch, to Senior Lead Officer Paul Winter. Officer Winter then assigned additional patrol to this area. Over the past 6 weeks, there have been only brief sightings of some of these offending vehicles. At the risk of jinxing this case, the disturbances have quieted down significantly since the intervention of our Harbor LAPD partners in late August. However, extra vigilance will continue.
Summing up the 3rd Quarter
In the 3rd quarter of 2020, there were 0 burglaries and 4 thefts from vehicles.In the 3rd quarter of 2019 (pre-covid), there were 2 home burglaries and 4 thefts from vehicles. To add perspective: during this year’s 3rd quarter alone, the entire community San Pedro experienced a total of 68 home burglaries and 108 thefts from vehicles. Total number of crimes reported in San Pedro in this 3rd Quarter: 542. Total crimes in South Shores: 9. Much lower, even on a per capita basis.
Thanks to the ongoing involvement of our Harbor LAPD partners and the 586 members of CyberWatch, South Shores continues its record as one of the safest neighborhoods in the entire Harbor area.
To CyberWatch members
Let’s continue our vigilance and keep South Shores safe. It will take the efforts of each of us. Observe. Report. If you see something…say something.
Take care. Stay safe and well!