Purpose – The following is the fifth monthly briefing update keeping our membership informed.
Ongoing News – The annual walkaround and follow up phone calls seeking membership renewal and new members is still underway. The conclusion of current drive has been moved out to June 30th. So please be polite to those assisting in this endeavor.
So far, our membership encompasses 472 South Shores residents
Welcome Wagon – The scheduled “PLAN” for both the “kick-off” and conclusion has been moved out to June 30th. Primarily due to a lack of volunteers to carry out the task. The number of residences that have joined the South Shores Community during the last year is 36.
Update News:
- “The January 30, 2018 incident involving the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department (LASD) and the homeless individual was heard last Wednesday, June 13, 2018 at the City Council’s Public Safety Committee. A representative from LASD was present and testified that their deputies had not violated LASD policies and had “acted appropriately and with compassion.” Councilman Buscaino indicated that there was a warrant out for the individual’s arrest and questioned the department on why deputies did not take the man to County Jail on the same warrant that lead to his arrest later that evening by LAPD. The Sheriff’s deputy responded that the jail would not take in someone on an offense with a such a low bail amount. Councilman Buscaino and other members of the Public Safety Committee asked for the Sheriff’s Department and other law enforcement and EMS agencies to report back on training programs for working with homeless people and how to expand services and outreach for the severely mentally ill. They also requested a report on ways to reduce homeless related non-emergency hospital admittance and jail intakes by expanding first responder pilot programs. Last, the committee also requested the City and county police departments to work with nonprofits to expand the “Jail In Reach” program to make it available to all homeless people incarcerated at the Los Angeles City and County jails. This program identifies homeless people in the jail system and offers them services, including mental health care and drug abuse treatment.”
- ”With regards to the Western Ave median trees, the Los Angeles Conservation Corps has ordered new evergreen trees that will do much better in our coastal climate. LACC still needs to get permits from CalTrans for the work but anticipate that the new trees will be planted in late-June or early July.” The two updates were provided as a courtesy from Ryan Ferguson | San Pedro Field Deputy for Councilman Joe Buscaino.
- Elks Club – Rumors have it that target date is still 2018
- South Shores Elementary School – construction project underway to add a 2-story building, containing 12 new classrooms and parking; replacing portable classrooms.
- Summer watch – With the coming of summer and vacations, let’s all be diligent in keeping a watchful eye out for our neighbor’s homes, cars and property. Please don’t forget your own home, be cautious who you tell that you are vacationing, put in place as many devices as affordable, i.e. Ring, electrical light timers, surveillance signs etc.
- SSCA Annual Reception – Tentatively scheduled for October. Time and place to be announced.
The call for volunteers is still in the air. Many tasks still require assistance and HELP!
Rich F. Scandaliato, President SSCA