The SSHOA Security/Safety Sub-Committee has identified three security company vendors willing to present the specific costs and duties offered to residents who may elect to subscribe to 24 hour security patrol service. Upon determining costs and service program offers from these vendors, a comprehensive survey document will be prepared and circulated during the coming weeks within the South Shores Community. The Sub-Committee upon completion of the community security survey will prepare recommendations for presentation to the SSHOA Board of Directors for further direction.
The local program known as Cyber Watch made up of some 411 property owners continues to work with various stakeholders including the LAPD to identify and note specific property crimes that occur in the area. The program has resulted in minimizing property crimes in the area, working with diligent member observers and the LAPD. Additional membership within the South Shores region can be obtained via the link provided on the SSHOA website.
Discussion took place on future development of the Port and downtown area in San Pedro. Ground breaking took place on 11/29/2016 for redesigning and repositioning the entrance roadway to the Ports O’ Call area. A review of the Old Court House is underway as well as two other downtown sites set for redevelopment of mixed use commerce and housing. The purposed San Pedro Public Market and Alta Sea are key projects for expanding economic growth in the region. An announcement is expected during the first quarter of 2017 on redeveloping the Rancho San Pedro public housing along North Harbor Blvd. near the Battleship Iowa.
Discussion focused again this month on another potential remodeling project in lower South Shores. Residents in these areas should view the SSHOA website for further information on the review process conducted by the SSHOA Architectural Committee.
The City of Los Angeles Recreation and Parks Department has dedicated a new children’s playground area at Bogdanovich Recreation Center (Funded by both the City – $300,000 and the County – $300,000) to serve recreational needs of the area.
The Annual Membership Meeting will take place on Tuesday, January 17, 2017 at the South Shores Magnet Elementary School. Elections for board members and a vote to revise the SSHOA By-Laws will take place at this meeting. The Viewpoint will be mailed out to the area on January 9, 2017 noting activities for the past year as well as the agenda for the annual meeting.
The 2016 MailChimp E-Mail program shows that some 31% of the recipients are clicking on the messages to learn more about key subjects such as Minutes, San Pedro Public Market Launch, and Annual Meeting programs contained in the e-mail messages from the SSHOA.
Residents are encouraged to assist in the process of welcoming new neighbors to the South Shores area perhaps by a “Welcome Wagon” program. Ideas are welcomed.